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Some of The Upcoming changes in the World:

Some of the upcoming changes in the world:

* As video movie stores disappeared, so will gasoline stations. 1. Car repair shops, and oil, exhaust, and radiator shops will be gone. 2. A petrol/diesel engine has 20,000 parts while an electric car engine has only 20 parts. They are sold with a lifetime warranty and are dealer-repairable under warranty. Removing and replacing their engine is only a 10 minute job.

3. A faulty electric car engine will be repaired with the help of robotics in a regional workshop.

4. When your electric car's engine breaks down, you go to a place like a car wash station, give your car a drink and get the car back with a new engine.

5. Gasoline pumps will disappear.

6. Electricity distribution meters and electric charging stations will be installed on roads (already started in first-tier countries of the world).

7. Major smart car companies have allocated funds to build factories to make electric cars only.

8. Coal industries will disappear. Petrol/Oil companies will shut down. Oil exploration and drilling will stop.

9. Households will generate and store electricity during the day for use at night and sold to the grid. The network will store it and supply it to industries that use more electricity. Has anyone seen the roof of the Tesla?

10. Today's kids will see existing cars in museums. The future is coming faster than our expectations.

11. In 1998, Kodak had 170,000 employees and sold 85% of photo paper worldwide. Within two years, their business model collapsed and they went bankrupt. Who would have thought this could happen?

12. What happened to Kodak and Polaroid, will happen to many industries in the next 5-10 years.

13. Did you think in 1998 that after three years, no one would take pictures on film? Because of smartphones, who carries a camera these days?

Translate text with your camera
14. In 1975, digital cameras were invented. The first cameras had 10,000 pixels, but they followed Moore's Law. As with every technology, it didn't live up to expectations at first, but then got better and became dominant.

15. It will happen again (rapidly) with artificial intelligence, health, autonomous vehicles, electric cars, education, 3D printing, agriculture, and jobs.

16. The author of the book "Future Shock" said: "Welcome to the fourth industrial revolution".

17. Software has and will impact most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years.

18. Uber software has no cars, and it is the largest taxi company in the world! Who would have thought this could happen?

19. Airbnb is now the world's largest hotel company, even though it owns no real estate. Have you ever thought of Hilton Hotels?

Data Communication

Data Communication

The 1970s and 1980s saw a merger of the fields of computer science and data communications that profoundly changed the technology, products, and companies of the now combined computer-communications industry. The computercommunications revolution has produced several remarkable facts: 
• There is no fundamental difference between data processing (computers) and data communications (transmission and switching equipment). 
• There are no fundamental differences among data, voice, and video communications. 
• The distinction among single-processor computer,multiprocessor computer, local network, metropolitan network, and long-haul network has blurred. One effect of these trends has been a growing overlap of the computer and communications industries, from component fabrication to system integration. 

Another result is the development of integrated systems that transmit and process all types of data and information.

Both the technology and the technical standards organizations are driving toward integrated public systems that make virtually all data and information sources around the world easily and uniformly accessible. 

This blog aims to provide a unified view of the broad field of data and computer communications.

The organization of the blog reflects an attempt to break this massive subject into comprehensible parts and to build, piece by piece, a survey of the state of the art. 
This introductory post begins with a general model of communications. 

Then a brief discussion introduces each of the Parts  Two through Four of this blog post 2 provides an overview to Parts Five and Six

Microsoft Internet Explorer - A Browser

Often abbreviated as IE or MSIE, Microsoft Internet Explorer is an Internet browser that allows users to view web pages on the Internet. Users can also utilize Internet Explorer to listen to and watch streaming content, access online banking, make purchases over the Internet, and much more. 

Internet Explorer history Internet Explorer was first introduced on August 16, 1995 by Microsoft as version 1.0 and it came with Microsoft Windows 95. With the exception of Windows 10, Internet Explorer has been included with all versions of Windows since its inception. 

The latest and last version (which was included with Windows 8) was Internet Explorer 11. Market share While it still has more users than it's replacement, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer has lost a lot of ground over the years. 

While still close in numbers to Firefox, Opera, it trails behind Safari and all browsers are far behind Google Chrome. The screenshot above is an example of what Internet Explorer 7.0 looked like with the Computer Hope homepage loaded. 

What is a Computer Virus?


A  computer  virus  is  a  malicious  software  program loaded  onto  a  user’s computer  without  the  user’s  knowledge  and  performs  malicious  actions. 

Description: The  term  'computer  virus'  was  first  formally  defined  by  Fred  Cohen  in  1983. Computer  viruses  never  occur  naturally.  They  are  always  induced  by  people. Once created  and  released,  however,  their  diffusion  is  not  directly  under  human  control. 

After  entering  a  computer,  a  virus  attaches  itself  to  another  program  in  such  a  way that  execution  of  the  host  program  triggers  the  action  of  the  virus  simultaneously .  It can  selfreplicate,  inserting  itself  onto  other  programs  or  files,  infecting  them  in  the process.  

Not  all  computer  viruses  are  destructive  though.  However,  most  of  them perform  actions  that  are  malicious  in  nature,  such  as  destroying  data.  Some  viruse s wreak  havoc  as  soon  as  their  code  is  executed,  while  others  lie  dormant  until  a particular  event  (as  programmed)  gets  initiated,  that  causes  their  code  to  run  in  the computer.  

Viruses  spread  when  the  software  or  documents  they  get  attached  to  are transfe rred  from  one  computer  to  another  using  a  network,  a  disk,  file  sharing methods,  or  through  infected  email  attachments.  

Some  viruses  use  different  stealth strategies  to  avoid  their  detection  from  anti infect  files  wit virus  software.  For  example,  some  can hour  increasing  their  sizes,  while  others  try  to  evade  detection  by  killing the  tasks  associated  with  the  antivirus  software  before  they  can  be  detected.  

Some old  viruses  make  sure  that  the  "last  modified"  date  of  a  host  file  stays  the  same  when they  infected the  file.

Control Panel

The  Control  Panel  is  a  section  of Microsoft  Windows that  enables  a  user  to  change various  computer  hardware  and  software  features.  

Settings  for  the mouse sound , network ,  and keyboard , display , represent  just  a  few  examples  of  what  may  be modified  in  the  Control  Panel.  

Below  are  some  examples  of  how  the  Control  Panel appeared  in  Windows. Tip: In  Windows  7,  Windows  8,  and  Windows  10  you  can  use  the  search  in  the  top right  corner  of  the  Control  Panel  window  to  find  the  area  you're  looking  to adjust.  For example,  you  could  type firewall  to  search for  the  Control  Panel Tip: Firewall settings. In  Windows  10  and  Windows  8,  Microsoft  is  trying  to  transition  users  away  from using  t he  Control  Panel  in  favor of  the Windows  Settings .

What is Computer Networking?

Simply  put,  computer  networking  is the  study  of  how  computers  can  be  linked  to share  data.  The  concept  of  connecting  computers  dates  back  to  the  1960s,  when the  Department  of  Defense  led  the  first  attempt  to  create  a  computer  network  that painstakingly  linked  a  handful  of  computers  around  the  U.S.  Since  then,  wireless networking  has  taken  off  and  networking  is  now  considered  an  essential  part  of computing.  

A  computer without  a  network,  arguably,  has  little  use  in  daily  life. Computer  networking  involves  many  things  coming  together,  and  ther challenges and  important  problems  to  solve  in  the  field  of  networking: • 

There  are  many Scaling  hardware  and  software  to  very  high  (e.g.,  100+  Gbps)  speeds  (routers, switches) •

Effective  interaction with user  (web  technologies) Privacy  protection and  security  (fi rewalls,  antivirus  software) Meeting  growing  wireless  demand  (smartphones,  handhelds) • 


• Scaling  the  number  of  participants  to  many  billions  (sensors,  Internet Maintaining healthy  Internet  economics  among  service  providers Addressing  social phenomena Seamless  connection  to  highly  mobile  devices.

List of Windows OS and History From November 10, 1983- Till yet

Microsoft Windows was announced by Bill Gates. Microsoft introduced Windows as a graphical user interface for MS-DOS, which was introduced two years ago. Microsoft Windows is an operating system with a graphical interface. 

Microsoft Windows is a very user-friendly, popular and highly used operating system. So in this post we will know when Microsoft introduced various different versions of Windows.  Windows name Release Date Release version Windows 10 29 July 2015 NT 10.0 Windows 8.1 17 October 2013 NT 6.3 Windows 8 26 October 2012 NT 6.2 

Windows 7 22 October 2009 NT 6.1 Windows Vista 30 January 2007 NT 6.0 Windows XP Professional x64 25 April 2005 NT 5.2 Windows XP 25 October 2001 NT 5.1 Windows ME 14 September 2000 4.90 Windows 2000 17 February 2000 NT 5.0 Windows 98 25 June 1998 4.10 Windows NT 4.0 24 August 1996 NT 4.0 Windows 95 24 August 1995 4.00 

Windows NT 3.51 30 May 1995 NT 3.51 Windows NT 3.5 21 September 1994 NT 3.50 Windows 3.2 22 November 1993 3.2 Windows for Workgroups 3.11 November 1993 3.11 Windows NT 3.1 27 July 1993 NT 3.10 Windows 3.1 April 1992 3.10 Windows 3.0 22 May 1990 3.00 

Windows 2.11 13 March 1989 2.11 Windows 2.10 27 May 1988 2.10 Windows 2.03 9 December 1987 2.03 Windows 1.04 April 1987 1.04 Windows 1.03 August 1986 1.03 Windows 1.02 May 1986 1.02 Windows 1.01 20 November 1985 1.0 

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Some of The Upcoming changes in the World:

Some of the upcoming changes in the world: * As video movie stores disappeared, so will gasoline stations. 1. Car repair shops, and oil, ...

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